Our Warped Tour discovery highlight goes to One OK Rock

No doubt about it! They’re awesome!!!

Music Junkie Press

Vans Warped Tour truly brings so many great bands to everyone, some you may know, some you may have heard of but never seen and some you may have never heard of before. The great thing about Warped Tour is the exposure that these bands receive and how they make so many new fans after their performances. Our Warped Tour discovery highlight choice goes to a band that I have never heard of or seen before and when I did, they completely blew me away!  They are One Ok Rock from Japan. I wish I had learned of them sooner because I would have been cranking them out loud for the past several years!

One OK Rock have an aggressively live performance that completely captivates you. Their songs blend rock and metal with some fierce Japanese flair. Their stage presence is one of the best and will take you by…

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